Formatting for Excel
Exporting a report to an Excel spreadsheet gives you options to work with the report areas and how the columns are formatted. The columns can be formatted so that they have headers and that they are all the same width. Table 19-8 shows the properties used for setting the Excel formatting.
Table 19-8. ExcelFormatOptions Properties.
Property | Description |
ExcelAreaGroupNumber | The base area group number if the area type is group area. |
ExcelAreaType | The area type if you aren’t using constant column width. |
ExcelConstantColumnWidth | The width of each column (if using constant column width). |
ExcelTabHasColumnHeadings | Boolean that determines if the columns have headings listed. |
ExcelUseConstantColumnWidth | Boolean that determines if the columns are the same width. |
Public Sub SetFormatExcel(ByVal MyReport As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument, ByVal UseConstantColumnWidth As Boolean, ByVal ColumnWidth As Integer, ByVal UseColumnHeadings As Boolean)
MyReport.ExportOptions.ExportFormatType = _
Dim Options As CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExcelFormatOptions = _
New CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExcelFormatOptions
Options.ExcelUseConstantColumnWidth = UseConstantColumnWidth
Options.ExcelConstantColumnWidth = ColumnWidth
Options.ExcelTabHasColumnHeadings = UseColumnHeadings
MyReport.ExportOptions.FormatOptions = Options
End Sub
The listing first sets the format type to Excel. After setting the format type, create an options object and set the properties that determine how to format the columns. This procedure sets the properties for the column width and whether the columns should have headings.