Although most comparison operators only have a single dropdown box for entering values, there are a couple of exceptions. The is between and is not between comparisons give you two dropdown boxes. This lets you enter a beginning and ending range. The is between comparison is inclusive. The is not between comparison is exclusive. The other exception is when choosing a comparison of is one of or is not one of; then the dialog box looks like Figure 6-3. This lets you build a list of items where the field should either be in the list or not in the list. As you select items from the combobox, they are added to the listbox below it. If you type in a value manually, add it by clicking on the Add button. If you add an item by mistake, delete it from the list by clicking the Remove button.
Figure 6-3. Building a list of items.
You are not limited to selecting records based on a single field. The
When selecting multiple fields, Crystal Reports treats each field as being part of a Boolean AND statement. For a record to be selected by the report, it must successfully meet the criteria specified for each field listed in the dialog box. If there were four fields listed, and a record only matched three of the fields, then the record won’t be selected.