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2.13 Special Field Object

The Special Field Object

The Special Field object is used for printing all report-related information. For example, it can print the current page number or the total number of pages. Since there isn’t a way for you to calculate this information yourself, this field was created as a catch-all for all the miscellaneous types of report information that you need. Table 2-3 lists the available fields and what they mean. These fields are treated the same as a database field object. They can be added to the report by themselves, or included in a textbox object. They also have all the same formatting options that were described in the Formatting Strings section.

Table 2-3. Special Fields.

Special Field Description
DataDate The date when the report was last refreshed.
DataTime The time when the report was last refreshed.
FileAuthor The file author that is stored with the report.
FileCreationDate The date when the report was created.
Filename The report’s file name.
GroupNumber The current group number.
GroupSelection The group selection formula.
ModificationDate The date the report was last modified.
ModificationTime The time the report was last modified.
PageNofM Prints “Page X of Y”.
PageNumber The current page number.
PrintDate The date the report was printed.
PrintTime The time the report was printed.
RecordNumber The current record number.
RecordSelection The record selection formula.
ReportComments The report comments that are stored with the report.
ReportTitle The report title.
TotalPageCount The total number of pages.