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10.10 Captions

Setting Captions with the Text tab

Use the Text tab to set the captions that appear on the chart as well as their fonts. This tab is shown in Figure 10-7. It is only visible when the Type tab option to automatically set chart options is unchecked.

Figure 10-7. The Text tab of the Chart Expert.

The Text tab is very easy to understand and modify. It consists of two halves. The top half shows a checkbox for each title that appears on the chart. By default, each caption is set to Auto-Text. This means that the chart will set the caption when you print the report. It uses the chart’s field names to determine what to print. For each caption, you can uncheck Auto-Text and enter your own caption. What you enter will override whatever the chart would have printed on its own. If you uncheck it, and leave the text blank, nothing is printed for that caption.

The lower half sets the font for each caption. To change the font, select the caption name from the list on the right and click on the Font button. This brings up the standard Font dialog box and you can set the properties as you wish. When you click OK, you are brought back to the Chart Expert. An example of how the new font settings look are shown above the Font button.